Streamlining order management: A case study on developing an automated system for dealers with enhanced communication and efficient order processing

Client Overview

The client is a US-based agricultural cooperative that operates as a member-owned organization with a focus on the dairy industry, as well as agriculture and animal feeds.

Project Summary

The current project involves the development of an order management system that facilitates dealers in placing orders based on consumer requests. The delivery of orders is scheduled based on the preferred frequency of the consumers, such as weekly or monthly. Automated SMS notifications are triggered to consumers following order placement, and they can either accept, decline, or modify the order accordingly. The system also includes a chat feature that enables dealers and consumers to communicate and ensure smooth and timely delivery of ordered items. Additionally, dealers can access a dashboard to view and manage their orders efficiently..

Project Features


In this part, there is data regarding customers such as their names, addresses, and contact information. Additionally, it includes the status of reminder messages that pertain to customer orders, proposed delivery dates, and standing instructions. The presentation of this information is determined by the store settings that have been configured.


This section records comprehensive information about customers, including their creation, modification, and deletion. When creating a new customer, it is mandatory to provide their full name, cell phone number, and complete address details. Additionally, the section displays whether the customer has opted in for marketing campaigns.


In this section, notifications pertaining to customer orders are recorded and managed. Alerts will be set up in accordance with the frequency of notifications sent to customers about their order deliveries. The frequency of these notifications can be adjusted as per the customer's request.

Store Settings

Within this area, the Administrator can adjust the store settings, including details such as the retailer's address, point of contact, and their contact information.


This project was developed in Kentico 12 MVC to take advantage of widgets, page templates, and common widgets, all content management features. Utilizing the Kentico content management system has the benefit of enabling users to easily update content without having to rebuild the entire application. An application is launched in Azure DevOps to take advantage of cutting-edge functions like CI/CD and key vault.

Goals & Challenges

The objective of the project is to foster efficient relationships between the Retailer and the Customer through proficient order management and prompt notifications.

Challenges are as following:

  • The objective is to build an application with a loosely coupled architecture, incorporating versatile components that can be utilized across various projects.
  • The content on the web pages needs to be fully accessible and manageable by the content editor.
  • Integration of Single Sign-On (SSO) workflow is required.
  • The system needs to support both inbound and outbound integrations with proprietary applications.
  • Twilio has been integrated, providing programmable communication functionalities for initiating and receiving phone calls, sending, and receiving text messages, and performing other communication operations through its web service APIs.
  • The Twilio API was tailored and used to create a chat messenger on the site, which allows for the sending of images and text messages.
  • SignalR was implemented in the chat, enabling server-side JavaScript functions to be called and facilitating the reading of chat callbacks from the Twilio API.
  • A Helper class was designed to retrieve date and time based on U.S. state codes.


The client opts for Ray Business Technologies (RBT) to meet their distinct requirements, accomplish their objectives, and gain a competitive edge Ray Business Technologies (RBT) has been responsible for creating a variety of essential applications using Kentico for a range of important projects.

  • Used Kentico 12 MVC CMS to build the websites, Kentico is a leading provider of Content Management Solution, empowering enterprises to quickly build and deploy the solutions.
  • Adopted an agile approach, initially delivering a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and subsequently incorporating additional features in subsequent sprints.
  • Content editors have the capability to handle multilingual content via the Kentico admin interface.
  • The configuration of APIs and services for the website is managed through the Settings application.
  • Third-party components such as Twilio, Adobe analytics, and Salesforce were integrated into the system.

Benefits/Business Case

  • The newly developed website boasts a comprehensive responsive design, ensuring optimal functionality on all mobile and desktop devices.
  • The client can now effectively manage marketing efforts and adjust both content and features on the new site to enhance interaction with dealers and customers.
  • Build using Kentico, the fresh website provides rich user experience by offering details on different product orders and scheduling deliveries to meet consumer requirements on a daily or weekly basis.

About Ray Business Technologies 

Ray Business Technologies is a Global Information Technology (IT) Services and Solutions company. We are a CMMI Level 3 company, providing cutting-edge IT Solutions to Enterprises worldwide, enabling them to utilize available resources effectively and manage the operations. Our excellent team of Technology Professionals work with enterprise clients in North America, Latin America, Australia, Europe, Middle East, and Asia.
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