Driving growth for a leading American agricultural cooperative with a 300% increase in online membership applications

Client Overview

The client is an American agricultural cooperative based in Arden Hills, Minnesota. They focus on the dairy industry and have over 1,900 direct producer-members, 750 member-cooperatives, and employ around 9,000 people. They process and distribute products for approximately 300,000 agricultural producers, handling 12 billion pounds of milk annually. They rank third on the National Cooperative Bank Co-op 100 list.

Project Summary

The Client wants to develop a New Member Services web application using Kentico Xperience 13 and .NET Core with the following main features... Home Page, Header, Footer, an Events page, Articles Page, Ability to search contents, Admin rights to add, approve, publish, and delete content based on roles.

Member relations website is targeted to be used by two main user types: a Dairy member and an AG member (Retailer). When the users are authenticated, they will need to get this data from the authorization token to authorize them to view slightly different versions of the navigation and different content types.

Project Features

  • Implemented SSO
  • Implemented section columns page templates where we can divide the page into specified selected columns by configuring the page template properties.
  • Displaying selected articles in a carousel from already created articles on the homepage using linked pages.
  • Implemented lazy loading of the articles on page load.
  • Implemented page search by using Kentico smart search
  • Implemented media library search by using a custom local index.
  • Generating and downloading the ICS file dynamically based on the event start date and event end date on button click.
  • Implemented widgets with reusable properties.
  • Creating an article and an event in CMS based on the published date and event start date respectively by dynamically creating year and month folders.
  • Implemented URL redirection module where we can have the feasibility to redirect the URL to the specified destination.


This project is developed in Kentico Xperience 13 and .NET Core to take advantage of widgets, page templates, and common widgets, all content management features. Utilizing the Kentico content management system has the benefit of enabling users to easily update content without having to rebuild the entire application. An application is launched in Azure DevOps to take advantage of cutting-edge functions like CI/CD and key vault.

Goals & Challenges

To achieve the client’s business goals to develop a Member Relations site it has come up with specific objectives and laid down a road map, we need to develop a New Member Services web application using Kentico Xperience 13 and .NET Core with the following main features.
  • Home Page
  • Events
  • Articles
  • My applications (third-party API)
  • Generic Page Builder.
  • Ability to search content.
  • Admin rights to add, approve, publish, and delete content based on roles.
  • SSO Integration
  • Compliance with security policies - Login, data storage, etc.


The client opts for Ray Business Technologies (RBT) to meet their distinct requirements, accomplish their objectives, and gain a competitive edge Ray Business Technologies (RBT) has been responsible for creating a variety of essential applications using Kentico for a range of important projects.
  • Used Kentico Xperience 13 and .NET Core to build the websites, Kentico is a leading provider of Content Management Solutions, empowering enterprises to quickly build and deploy the solutions.
  • Adopted an agile approach, initially delivering a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and subsequently incorporating additional features in subsequent sprints.
  • Content editors have the capability to handle multilingual content via the Kentico admin interface.
  • The configuration of APIs and services for the website is managed through the Settings application.
  • Third-party components such as Adobe Analytics and Salesforce are integrated into the system.

Benefits/Business Case

  • The newly developed website boasts a comprehensive responsive design, ensuring optimal functionality on all mobile and desktop devices.
  • The client can now effectively access the Members portal and adjust both content and features on the new site to enhance the working of the website for interaction with AG and Dairy users.
  • Build using Kentico, the fresh website provides a rich user experience for AG and Dairy Users.

About Ray Business Technologies

Ray Business Technologies Private Limited is a Global Information Technology (IT) Services and Solutions company. We are a CMMI Level 3 company, providing cutting-edge IT Solutions to Enterprises worldwide, enabling them to utilize available resources effectively and manage their operations. Our excellent team of Technology Professionals works with enterprise clients in North America, Latin America, Australia, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia.
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