Business critical AWS cloud migration for one of the largest media conglomerate

Client Overview

Our Client is the largest media company. It is the largest entertainment and media conglomerate in terms of revenue, operating income, net income, assets, equity, market capitalization, and number of employees.

Project Summary

Providing approach, solution, development and deployment for the Azure to AWS migration. 

Goals & Challenges

The goal of the project was to migrate the site from Azure to AWS.

Challenges are as following:

  • Storage and retrieval of media library files from AZURE BLOB
  • Check the performance of the sites compared to the old infra
  • Update of the CDN domains


Ray Business Technologies (RBT) addressed their specific needs to achieve their goals and compete among competitors. RBT has developed several mission critical Kentico applications in term of site migration. 
  • Used agile methodology. Delivered Minimum Viable Product (MVP) initially and added remaining features in the next sprints
  • Content editors have the ability to manage the multilingual content using the Kentico admin interface
  • Assets were managed using the S3 and migration of assets
  • Website configuration for APIs and services are managed in Settings application
  • A blue/green deployment is a deployment strategy in which you create two separate, but identical environments.
  • Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling to maintain application availability automatically add or remove EC2 instances according to conditions you define.

Benefits/Business Case

  • The new website comes with a decrease in infra cost.
  • The new website has a faster CMS usage experience that works all the devices. 
  • The new website built with Kentico, provides great user experience to get information on various news and entertainment related content.
  • With Blue/green deployment no downtime and easy roll back in case of any failure.
  • ​Deploy the application in multiple regions around the world with just a few clicks

About Ray Business Technologies 

Ray Business Technologies is a Global Information Technology (IT) Services and Solutions company. We are a CMMI Level 3 company, providing cutting-edge IT Solutions to Enterprises worldwide, enabling them to utilize available resources effectively and manage the operations. Our excellent team of Technology Professionals work with enterprise clients in North America, Latin America, Australia, Europe, Middle East and Asia.
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