Ray Business Technologies attends SUGCON 2018 India!

SUGCON 2018 IndiaSUGCON 2018 India was held in Bangalore (Bengaluru) in May 2018, India, which was very first major Sitecore User Group Conference in South East Asia region in 2018, after 4 years from the first ever SUGCON held in Netherlands in 2014. Raybiztech feels proud to be a part of the historic event and witness the entire Sitecore Community.

The 2 day event started with Keynote from Pieter Brinkman (Senior Director Technical Marketing at Sitecore), Rob Earlham (Technical Evangelist at Sitecore), Akshay Sura and Sabin Ephrem who addressed Sitecore community and spoke about Innovation, Machine learning, Personalization and sharing of knowledge via different community initiative. Later there were different sessions held on various Sitecore topics like Basics of XCONNECT, Sitecore Headless with Sitecore JSS. 

The second day of the event was jam-packed with various sessions like - An introduction to Sitecore experience commerce, Sitecore Installation Framework (SIF) Quickstart, Sitecore on the Way to Cloud, Ever-Rising Customer Expectations, and Implementing XC 9 - Habitat Home Demo Walk-through.

Raybiztech had a great time learning new concepts of Sitecore and had the opportunity in meeting eminent personas from the Sitecore community. SUGCON 2018 India was a massive success and there was so much to learn and discuss with great leaders of Sitecore. Raybiztech plans to attend more such events to keep growing its learning curve, and waits for such events to be conducted frequently by the Sitecore Community.

About Raybiztech

Founded in 2009, Ray Business Technologies Private Limited is a Global Information Technology (IT) Services and Solutions company. We are a CMMI Level 3, and ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 27001:2013 Certified company. Through our excellent team of Technology Professionals, we provide cutting-edge IT Solutions to Enterprises globally, empowering them to utilize available resources and manage their operations effectively by improving efficiency, optimizing services, securing information and reducing costs in North America, Australia, Canada, Europe, Middle East and Asia.

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