Ray Business Technologies at Kentico Connection 2018

Raybiztech at Kentico Connection 2018 Chicago, IllinoisKentico Connection 2018 was held at Chicago, Illinois, on 11-12 October 2018. The two-day event brought together experts and thought leaders associated with the Kentico platform. This version of the yearly event presented an opportunity for firms to explore better and innovative ways to leverage Kentico platform to target customers with effective campaigns.

Raybiztech AVP Sales and Kentico Evangelist Mr Sarthak Samantara had a valuable interaction with Kentico CEO Mr. Petr Palas at the summit. The talks centered on more innovating features and enhancements with the Kentico platform. As the preferred Gold Partner, Raybiztech has also been looking ahead to the release of Kentico 12, in November 2018.

About Raybizech

Raybiztech is a CMMI Level 3 technology consulting and IT Services firm that focuses on leveraging technology-driven platforms for enabling marketers and stake holders to run the most effective campaigns. As a Gold Partner for Kentico Software, we offer complete spectrum of services around Kentico CMS; that include development, integration, and deployment. Our resources are trained to handle a diverse range of needs and understand niche requirements of clients across different verticals.

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