Enterprise Resource Planning

The implementation of the legendary Enterprise resource planning (ERP) or Business Process Management Software is very crucial for the decision-empowered entrepreneurs and their organizations. The integrated applications in an ERP can manage your business while automating endless functions including Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), Warehouse Management Systems (WMS), Transportation Management Systems (TMS), Supply Chain Management (SCM), Sales, Marketing, Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Business Intelligence (BI), Corporate Performance Management (CPM), Human Resource Management (HRM), Information Technology (IT), Accounting, Financial Planning and Analysis (FP&A), Product Development, and Advance Planning and Scheduling (APS) using a single database application and user interface.

Why ERP Implementation Important for your Company?

ERP is the central nervous system of the dynamic organizations like yours. The full-scale organizational ERP systems are the magical mascots that empower your string of business processes while skimming down your business cycle time to an incredible level. The sooner you realize that you are encountered with slurry of software issues, you must wake your senses up to bring about the kinetic change in your redundant system. The management leadership and the decision makers apply a Fast-forward approach for adapting an exceedingly marketable ERP that has the horsepower to consolidate your business processes within the shortest span of time. Hence, it is evident that in the absence of the core enterprise competency, you will be pulled off from the winning race to face multiple disappointments and conflicting business challenges of great intensity.

What Challenges are faced by Customers?

The ghost of all the problems is the orthodox management who blindly remain all-time-loyal to its faulty system that failed to champion on the challenges faced by the corporation. An utterly crashed ERP can't take you to becoming a Fortune 500 company. Such an ERP installed out of the poor decision of the jury will affect all the angles your organization. Therefore, you need to designate a dedicated line-up of software architects for floating the Off-the-Radar ERP back to its place. The IT team should be able to battle for recognizing loop-holes that has set the ERP to explode during the preliminary phases of implementation. The technical leaders with right attitude should be able to merge with the processes of migrating, testing, connecting, and deployment of the new system into the company’s ecosystem.   

What we offer:

Comparative Study of Cloud-bases vs On-premise ERP

Some of the technology leaders disregard the locally installed on-premise solutions that are managed by the in-house IT department while many others rely on cloud ERP that is provided as a service and managed by the ERP vendor. Companies often combine the best of both technologies and make them highly operable in the hybrid environment.

Major Difference between Cloud & On-premise ERP:

Scalability & Flexibility

Cloud ERP allows you to add more users as the business progresses, while the on-site ERP fails to offer you with the same.

Saving on the Hard Dollars & TCO

Lowering of the implementation cost of the ERP in the cloud can automatically lower the initial cost of ownership by 50%.

ERP on the Cloud is available on recurring subscription plan to free up your liquid capital.
Cloud ERP liberates the IT department from the routine maintenance, support, and application upgrades.  The end-users are destined to receive complementary services sponsored by the cloud vendors from remote.

Hardware & Software Provision

Cloud ERP in specific, saves you from additional hardware and software hangovers while the on-site option makes it mandatory for you to bear the upfront investments for purchasing and managing the system, hardware, servers, and large IT department.

Customization, System Performance

In contrast to the onsite ERP software, cloud ERP are continually customized and upgraded by your provider. Few of the other companies hesitate updating their software onsite because the process is compounded with complications.

Anytime Anywhere Access

Cloud-based, SaaS, ERP solution provides real-time data accessibility over the laptop, smartphone, tablet, and other devices without incurring an extra setup cost. Accessing the system from remote will remain a dream for those companies with on-premise ERP that restricts them to expand geographically.

Deployment Speed

Cloud ERP assures speedy deployment as it is independent of any additional software or hardware elements. Its implementation usually takes 3-6 months while the latter typically consumes more than 12 months.  

Business Process Reengineering (BPR)

Cloud ERP radically invites BPR for enhancing productivity, quality and standardization. The on-premise deployment solution may not be able to help the clients in standardizing their business processes in accord with the technology.

Decision Support System (DSS)

ERP cloud facilitates proactive monitoring through role-based dashboards. It facilitates better decision-making through contextual intelligence, expense management and analytics that helps the approving body to review the reports and make approval instantly. The on-premise solution is less proactive and inferior to work like the one on the cloud.  

Rapid Implementation Cycle

Unlike the on-premise model, cloud’s short implementation methodology is underpinned by a pool of certified workforce and other business accelerators to facilitate fast installation.

What Benefits Customers Get? 

It is your reliable solution on cloud that will spur the scope of your business without shaking your operating costs. Therefore, having all your applications stacked on the cloud will help you grab multiple benefits. Undoubtedly, any new cloud ERP in a newer environment is subjected to Temporary-teething problems but once it safely takes off the ground; your organizations will thrust into 100% business endowment.

Highlighted below are the Batches of Benefits associated with ERP:

Future-proof ERP, Fully Functional

Lack of flexibility and functionality of your current ERP systems can add up frustration.  Nevertheless, an expedient enterprise system can resourcefully align your outright business functions to achieve flexibility. ERP systematically controls your company’s metadata, security profiles, and work functions in a relatively simpler manner. 

Defining your Business Blueprints

Your super-efficient Enterprise Resource Planning needs to be scrupulously aligned with your continuously evolving business frameworks. Organizations should clearly spell out their business needs for bringing clarity in the roles, responsibilities, and performance measures. Additionally, your productivity speaks that you are actually installed with a befitting ERP.  

Optimizing the Organizational Change

The Next-gen ERP application can stage the stipulated changes in the healthier organizations like yours. With this, your trained workforce can get accustomed to performing different functions in a dexterous fashion. 

Alignment & Aesthetics

An Every-day-ERP is said to be one that is assembled with the objectives of the firm. The empirical objectives are desired to be in symmetrical order with that of the technology initiatives. Furthermore, the corporate dignitaries should synchronize themselves with the strategies so as to prevent the ongoing projects from misalignment.

Laying Leapfrog Improvements in Your Business Grid

Business process improvement is a critical success factor that permits the managers to steer the organization in the direction of growth. With a high yielding ERP solution, you are committed to move your business graph towards the direction of growth.  

Hybrid ERP is the Barometer for Capturing Competition  

You are standing at the right page as this will evacuate you from the outdated ERP that had been emitting bad business outcomes. Your one-time capital investment made on the ERP will save you from many problems that keep rising with the tick of the business clock. Thus, its advisable to transform your environment with a sound system for tapping all those opportunities that your long-time rivals had been robbing away from you for so long.

On-budget ERP for Cost Crunching

It’s a fact to believe that a quantum ERP can pledge to diminish your organization's administrative, operational and miscellaneous expenses by 45%. It federates your fragmented systems for creating a cost-efficient business processes. As all the users will be trained using a single system, you’ll be cutting the associated costs while adding capital appreciation in your annual balance sheets.

Cross-functional Collaboration for Transparent Results

The unified ERP structure effortlessly intersects with all the concentrated departments for maintaining transparency of the workflow. Inter and intra organizational networks within the enterprise are coherently connected by the ERP system for eliminating technical gaps.   

Web-based ERP Favors IoT Devices for Mobility

By installing the cloud-based ERP in your premise, you’ll get direct access to the condensed database even from the remote terminals such as home, onsite, offsite, onshore, off-shore and so on using the smart Internet of things (IoT) devices.  

On-demand ERP for Rapid Reporting Assistance

A dedicated ERP can undertake your reporting tasks as never before.  With the enhanced reporting capabilities, your company can fast react and respond to the data requests. Users can systematically generate and run secured crystal reports on their own without depending on the busy IT panel.

On-Time ERP, a Potential Point-of-Productivity

Implementing a secured ERP suite will not only encourage outrageous business outputs but consequently results in the over-howling of the heterogeneous business processes from time to time. With your complicated business processes fully converged, you can now have substantial time to work on the most pressing projects priority. 

User-centric ERP for User Compatibility 

The intuitive and user-friendly ERP is packaged for the men of the millennium. Unlike the traditional, tedious and the tampered ERPs, the latest lineage can promises Ease-of-Use of the superior software. 

Off-the-Ground ERP for Regulatory Compliance

Powerful ERP solutions are rolled up with the regulatory compliance of any organization for keeping track of the regulations within the industry while monitoring the amendments every now and then.  

Data Protection & Information Privacy

By hosting an ideal ERP in your premise, you will be relieved from the horrific nightmares you often get on data security. The built-in resources and firewall in the new system will bet to offer confidentiality of the data from the unauthorized parties thereby saving your sensitive information from pilferage.  

Major Forecasting for Major Business Progress 

Our family of ERP solutions allows the white collar analysts to access best of the tools they need for predicting the current marketing conditions. Since the information sources and channels within the ERP are genuine, the dynamic businesses units can make realistic prediction for taking preventive step ahead in the future.

Hyperactive ERP offers Round-the-Clock Troubleshooting

Your cloud powered business unit stacked with a dedicated ERP system requires a highly dedicated ERP service as well. The customers are entitled to maintenance and support services without having to face uncalled technical situations.  This way, you can maximize the value of your ERP and take complete advantage of the practical business models. Indeed, its your ERP that persuade you to keep your business performance to the peak.

How Raybiztech is providing Proven ERP Services & Solutions?

With the wake of the rising sun, our certified and honor-bound software developers begin resolving your hourly hinges and hypothetical hub situations from our Global Network Operations & Delivery Base in Hyderabad, India. Our domain experts deployed in our state-of-the-art facility performs majestic ERP implementations many of our clients scattered across hundreds of territories across the world.

Raybiztech’s High Quality Matrix ERP Services: 

Our ERP competencies are ergonomically designed to enhance the performance of your system.
We make it obligatory to upgrade our spate of ERP services with prudential functionalities to benefit your business. You can trust us as our quintessential services are superior to any of our Rivals-in-the-Ring.

Our Proprietary ERP Services Offerings:

  • ERP Consulting
  • Vulnerability Testing & Validation
  • Design Optimization
  • Implementation & Risk Management
  • Lifecycle Management
  • Architectural Scheduling
  • Third-party ERP Integrations
  • Project Management
  • Reporting & Analytics
  • ERP Check, Calibration & Custodial Service
  • Application Security, Control & Assessments
  • ERP Governance, Risk & Compliance Solution

Raybiztech’s Repertoire of Heterogeneous ERP Solutions: 

What we have for you in our hallway is Microsoft Dynamics, the Master ERP that has the horsepower capacity to beat the core competition. Thus, building a digital empire using Microsoft Dynamics is the order of the day. Today, more than 85% of the organizations are connecting to Microsoft Dynamics as these solutions ensure data aggregation, intelligence, financial reporting, strong backup, disaster recovery so on and so forth.

Our Extensive ERP Product Boilerplate:

Microsoft Dynamics AX

Charting on the Microsoft Dynamics AX will pave a silky road against all the technical obstacles. The ruling ERP is embedded with characteristic capabilities to assist the global enterprises with outstanding business solutions. Dynamics AX is suitably exploited by mixed industrial domains including Budget Planning, e-procurement, Demand forecasting and more.

Dynamics AX Services Capsule:

  • Dynamics AX Technology Consultancy
  • Dynamics AX Development
  • Dynamics AX Reporting & Analytics
  • Dynamics AX Integration & Upgrade
  • Dynamics AX Administration
  • ​Dynamics AX User Training

Please click the link below to visit the principle pages on Microsoft Dynamics AX

Microsoft Dynamics NAV

With a sustainable Microsoft Dynamics NAV in the stream, the aspiring organizations like yours can visualize the positive prospects across Project Management, Manufacturing, Distribution, Public, Retail and other industries. Using Dynamics NAV, your company can harvest impeccable gains by managing core financial and non-financial operations with a great propensity.

Dynamics NAV Services Capsule:

  • Dynamics NAV Technology Consultancy
  • Dynamics NAV Development
  • Dynamics NAV Master Maintenance & Support
  • Dynamics NAV Knowledge & End-user Training
  • Dynamics NAV Reporting & Analytics
  • Dynamics NAV Integration & Upgrade

For standard information on Microsoft Dynamics NAV,

What Industrial Verticals We Have Worked on?

Our IT resource center is efficient in providing scalable architecture solutions along with the instant support to all the major industrial verticals including:
  • Research & Development
  • Healthcare
  • Fast Moving Consumer Goods
  • Biotechnology
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Manufacturing, Distribution & Raw Materials
  • Consumer Durables
  • Information Technology
  • Hospitality
  • Government
  • Energy, Crude Oil & Natural Gas
  • Banking & Financial Service Institutions
  • Semiconductor
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