Kentico EMS Marketing - Marketing Personas Quick Start Guide

Personas are archetypal characters created to represent the different user types within a targeted demographic, attitude or behavior set that might use a site, brand or product a similar way. Personas are often combined with market segmentation to represent specific customers.

Marketing personas are not a single user. They are a representation of the goals and behaviors of a hypothesized group of users. In many cases they are captured in a 1-2 page description that include behavior patterns, goals, skills, attitudes, and a few fictional details the make the persona a realistic character.

Personas are a way to consider the goals, desires and limitations of your customers. They are used to guide decisions about a service, product, interaction, feature, and visual design of a website.

Benefits of marketing personas :

  • Consistency across the business for marketing message and lead definition
  • Better organizational understanding of your customer’s needs wants and desires
  • Understanding where your customers are spending their time will enable better targeting of content and promotion opportunities
  • Better quality sales leads and lead nurturing programs for different personas
  • More targeted analytics as you can discover which types of personas make better customers

Uses of marketing personas :

  • Identify the features, functionality and content to develop for specific personas
  • Communicate to senior executives the expected marketing target
  • Guide content development to support the customer goals and answer their common questions
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