Kentico EMS Marketing - Content Marketing Quick Start Guide

Content marketing is the technique of communicating with your customers or prospects without directly selling. Instead of the traditional product or service pitch, you deliver information that makes buyers more intelligent. The technique of Content marketing delivers high quality relevant and valuable information to prospects and customer with the goal of driving profitable customer action.

Content marketing is not advertisements or direct marketing selling collateral. Content marketing provides materials that are well planned and thoughtful ways that target customers and make them stop, think and behave differently.

Content marketing establishes a communication channel with customers and prospects without selling. Instead of directly pitching products or services, you are delivering information that makes your buyer more intelligent and ultimately drives brand loyalty. 

Uses of content in the marketing:

  • Content is everywhere and your customers and prospects want it! You can easily find everything from best practices guides to checklists that customers are looking for.
  • Like any marketing activity, define measurable goals for content. Typical goals include lead collection, organic search rank, visitors, conversions, backlinks and social presence.
  • Consistently producing valuable content positions your company as a thought leader in your industry.
  • Producing consistent and useful content is a competitive strategy to outpace your competition.
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